Tales from a cruise
Going away
Our vacation was super fun. A good way to unplug, and that was badly needed! Going to the Caribbean was amazing. We got some warm weather, got to go to the beach, do some sightseeing along the way and enjoy Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady.
The food was, as always on Virgin Voyages, amazing. No buffets, just fresh food, made daily, mostly to order. They take great care in the restaurant offering and I would pay for the food you get on the ship in restaurants on land without hesitation! The portion sizes are very reasonnable, even for desserts! There are a lots of vegetables, and very little junk food on board. You could go for a burger or a hot dog, but there are so many other options to try that I didn’t think about that once! The Pizza Place on board serves thin crust pizza which is super tasty and ins’t really a cheat meal!
When it comes to alcohol, well, you’re on vacation. We drank very reasonably and didn’t overindulge. There are lots of cocktails, high quality wines, champagne, but it’s up to you to enjoy responsibly.
We went to the gym 3 times in 7 days. I did some jogging on the 250m running track when the weather wasn’t too hot and some AppleFitness+ strength training, jogging and rowing workouts on board. Cruise hack: you can download workouts to your phone or tablet for offline use if you have basic or unreliable wifi.
Coming back
Let’s just say it’s a really bad idea to step on the scale as soon as you come home! Just don’t do it! I knew I gained some weight on vacation and it’s fully normal. Eating differently, with more salt, and in greater amount will do that. You also gain a lot of water weight because of that and it’s usually going to come off really fast, within a couple of days of returning.
Getting back to a routine was quite hard. I got a cold / bronchitis while on vacation so I had to skip my first OrangeTheory class on Monday since I was quite under the weather. Returning on Wednesday was just OK. Not the best workout performance but just enough to kick my but into getting out there and starting again.
Everest was today and I even hit a new PR for the 3G version so I guess making a comeback wasn’t so hard after all. It is going to hurt tomorrow though!